Father Daughter Walleye Adventures

The highlights of a guide's life is to get families involved in good times on the water and in the Outdoors. HSM's Kelli Patrick & her dad Tom decided to make a trip up to fish with me on Rainy Lake. We managed to get out for 5-6 hours today fishing. All while dodging thunderstorms and lightning.
The walleyes didn't disappoint either. We found them on main lake structure feeding shallow in 18-22 feet of water. Fishing just a simple Northland tackle RZ jig and a minnow was the ticket. Kelli's dad Tom had the hot hand and it always seemed like he had a fish going. With a limit of walleyes in the box in just over an hour it was time to cruise and dodge a storm cell or two. Fishing is only part of the adventure! We took a quick ride up to Devil's Cascade. Located at the northern most part of Rainy Lake it's a beautiful site to see and a highly recommended location to go visit if you can make the time.
With the storms passing on this evening, it'll be time to get on the water for some new adventures tomorrow. Stay tuned! Good times and good fishing abound in Northwestern Ontario.