Fall Season Colors
The fall season has got to be, without a doubt, the prettiest season of the entire year, and you know when it's coming with that first...

Redwing MN, Barn Bluff
Ever drive through Redwing and see that big bluff all by itself? That’s called Barn Bluff and was formed by glaciers carving deep valleys...

Fall Fishing
Sure, glad I decided to spend the evening on the lake. Everything from the smell of a campfire smoke creating a blanket of smoke off in...

MN Youth Hunting
New this year, is MN youth deer season. Ages 10-17 can harvest any deer with a free license. Ages 12 or older need firearms safety...

Hornet's Sting
Safe to say that the recent snowstorm that pummeled the Hills recently, seems to have ended fall rather abruptly, but with temperatures...

Black Hills Area Fishing Report
Fall has arrived in the Black Hills this week. High temps in the 40s and low 50s coupled with night temps in the 30s have heralded in the...