Lake of the Woods, Ice Condition Report
Things are starting to shape up in northern Minnesota, I’m sure anyone reading this knows, ice fishing is just around the corner and I know you have your fishing gear ready to rock and roll. As everyone around the ice belt prepares for the season, we need to remember that safety always comes first and repeating yourself time and time again is a must, although, some might think its over emphasized. Thin ice is no joke! Follow this link and read what Robby Rhembrandt has to say about ice safety and hypothermia.
As far as ice conditions go in the Bostic Bay area, we had a few open spots, but they have started to ice over, however, it is not safe enough to walk on yet. Some areas look sketchy from the snow that recently hammered northern Minnesota, but some areas look good. We will know by Tuesday or Wednesday if the bays are safe enough to walk on. With no wind today, I’d expect the bay to be iced over by tomorrow but not safe.
The main lake has some slush on the shore but it did look to have frozen over after the sub zero temps last night. There does seem to be a little open water a ways out, estimated 2 miles out. This will change quickly, the weather coming this weekend will freeze ice fast and fishing will be underway. Please, always remember safety first and don’t go alone fishing on early thin ice.